How to enrol
Enrolment Requirements & FAQ
In Western Australia it is compulsory for children to attend school in Pre Primary. Students from Pre Primary to Year 6, within the intake area for Walliston Primary school, are guaranteed a placement in the school. Please check our local intake map or call the school on 9291 2000 for more information.
School Intake MapTo apply for enrolment at Walliston Primary School you must complete an Application for Enrolment Form in WA School and either email or return it to the school. Once the application has been accepted you will be required to visit our school and complete an Enrolment Form. At this time you are requested to please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate and a copy of their immunisation records.
Application for Enrolment Form and Enrolment FormGeneral Information for Kindergarten
Although enrolling in Kindergarten is not compulsory it is recommended. Our Kindergarten program runs as a 5 day fortnight.
A parent/responsible person applying to enrol a child in a public school should complete the Application for Enrolment Form in a WA School.
General Information for Enrolment
Only permanent Australian residents and those children holding an approved visa subclass number are eligible to enrol in public schools. Children may be enrolled in Kindergarten in one school only, either public or private.
Please complete one Application for Enrolment form for each child. You will also be required to supply the following for each child:
- Birth Certificate
- AIR (Australian Immunisation Register) History Statement
- Three (3) x hard copy Proof of residential address (i.e. driver’s licence, tenancy lease agreement, rates, utility account – electricity or water) showing your name and usual place of residence.
- Court orders (if applicable)
Applications may be made and will be considered on a case by case basis, in accordance with the Department of Education’s Enrolment Policy which can be found at
Students in the pre-compulsory year of schooling (Kindergarten) are guaranteed a place in a public school. Where possible this will be their local school. The following selection criteria are to be applied in considering applications for enrolment:
First Priority – Child residing in the local intake area who has a sibling also enrolled at the school in the current year, and who lives nearest the school.
Second Priority – Child in the local-intake area who does not have a sibling enrolled at the school in the current year, and who lives nearest the school.
Third Priority – Child not residing in the local-intake area who has a sibling also enrolled at the school in the current year, and who lives nearest the school.
Fourth Priority – Child not residing in the local-intake area who does not have a sibling enrolled at the school in the current year, and who lives nearest the school.
All information provided on the Application for Enrolment form will be treated confidentially. Section 242 of the School Education Act 1999 and the Department of Education’s Information Privacy and Security policy preclude this information from being used for any purpose other than:
- to determine whether your application for enrolment can be accepted;
- to assist the school with addressing any needs for your child if enrolment is accepted; and
- to comply with legal requirements or ministerial directions.