Student Services
School Chaplaincy
The Chaplaincy Program has run at Walliston PS for several years. Our current Chaplain is Mr Adrian Wilson. Mr Wilson offers a range of programs for students, as well as supporting parents, carers, staff and community members.
Throughout the year Mr Wilson will be running specific programs within classes for students in areas such as resiliency, decision making, self control and grief management. Some sessions are whole class and some are small groups.
Mr Wilson has an open door to students who require confidential advice. However, students must seek permission from their teachers to see Mr Wilson. In addition the parents of junior/middle school students are contacted before they engage with the Chaplain. Upper primary students are seen without parental contact in the first instance. However, the consultation may lead to the involvement of parents or other agencies.
We are sure parents understand that for the Chaplaincy to work a relationship and feeling of safety must be developed… sometimes children need someone to talk to privately. Our Chaplain is aware of the protocols regarding disclosure and child welfare and is aware of his responsibilities for the safety of the students.
The school, in conjunction with the Chaplain, has also developed programs with the assistance of Kalamunda Church of Christ which focus on leadership. Youth Workers from the Church provide a great deal of time and support to our students.
The Chaplain’s role prevents him from proselytising which would be at odds with the notion of a secular school.