Co-curricular activities are an extension of the day-to-day learning that takes place for all students, to further enhance classroom-based activities.
Assemblies are usually held fortnightly. Hosted by our School Captains, assemblies serve to showcase various aspects of the school, to highlight up-coming events and to celebrate students embracing the school values. Whole school assemblies are held throughout the year and take place in the Covered Assembly Area. Each class will organise and present one assembly per year. Students receive Merit Certificates at these assemblies. The assemblies usually commence at 8.50am and last approximately 45 minutes. They are held on a Friday morning. Dates for assemblies are in the Term Planner emailed at the beginning of each term and are also mentioned in the newsletter emailed on the Wednesday prior to each assembly.
The wonder of a good book never fades. Book Week provides the opportunity to explore a new range of books on display, and for children to dress up as a book character in the Book Week parade.
School camps are an important part of the school’s program, providing opportunity for children to learn the skills of collaboration, independence and goal setting outside of the school or home environment.
Day excursions or incursions are planned by teachers to enhance the learning of particular curriculum areas.
Walliston Primary creates opportunities for students to participate in a range of community-based activities, which differ from year to year. Examples of community-based events of recent years include Jump Rope 4 Heart, Clean Up Australia Day, and Worlds Greatest Shave.
Students participate in athletics, cross country and swimming carnivals throughout the year. While physical skill development is a goal and competition is evident; teamwork and sportsmanship are the key areas of focus for all sporting carnivals.
A particular highlight each year is the way our senior students assist and encourage our junior students.
Students compete in their respective houses: Bickley (lime green), Crystal (purple) and Kadina (jade).